This is a gallery of Forge analyses of sets of SNPs for inidivdual phenotypes in the GWAS catalog downloaded on 7th August 2013. Click on a thumbnail to see the full interactive chart of a FORGE analysis of GWAS SNPs for an individual phenotype. You can filter the gallery by Author, Phenotype, Data (ENCODE or Epigenome) and Catagory (groupings of phenotypes) using the filters at the right. The filter box will also restrict by any text you enter. You can also share the url to a filtered result gallery.
For more information on the FORGE analysis see the documentation page and the Forge github pages.
This gallery uses a csv file to store data : forge_gallery.csv in the github repository.
Contact: Ian Dunham dunham [at]
This gallery uses code forked from the rCharts gallery by Ramnath Vaidyanathan, which in turn uses the same codebase as the d3js gallery, developed by Christophe Viau @d3visualization, with the help of the community and support from Datameer. and @mrejfox. I would like to thank Christophe Viau and Ramnath Vaidyanathan for providing code on Github.